Indonesian | English | ||
Istilah | Pengertian | Term | Description |
penuntutan | Pembacaan tuntutan penuntut umum di pengadilan setelah pemeriksaan saksi-saksi selesai. Tujuan utamanya mengemukakan argumen agar terdakwa divonis bersalah dan mendapatkan hukuman tertentu. Hal ini tidak sama dengan pidato penutup jaksa dalam perkara pidana common law. Satu perbedaan penting adalah penuntutan tidak selalu merupakan kesempatan terakhir bagi jaksa. Setelah itu jaksa dapat membacakan tanggapan (replik) terhadap pembelaan terdakwa. Kemudian terdakwa mempunyai hak menanggapi replik (duplik). Lihat juga prosecution (the act of) dan pembelaan. | prosecutor’s closing address (not exact equivalent) | The prosecutor’s address to the court after witnesses have given their testimony in the trial. The main aim of this is to put forward arguments for the conviction of the accused and the imposition of a particular sentence. This is not exactly the same as the common law prosecutor’s closing address in criminal cases. One important difference is that in some cases this is not the prosecutor’s final word in the case – the prosecutor can often read a reply (replik) to the defence’s pembelaan. The defence then has a right to respond (duplik) to the replik. Also see prosecution (the act of) and defence closing address. |
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