Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD)

Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD)

Indonesian English
Istilah Pengertian Term Description
Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD) Lembaga perwakilan yang didirikan berdasarkan perubahan ketiga UUD 1945 yang beranggotakan wakil-wakil daerah provinsi yang dipilih melalui pemilihan umum. Berbeda dengan DPR, keanggotaan DPD tetap sebanyak empat orang setiap propinsi dan jumlah keseluruhannya tidak lebih dari sepertiga jumlah anggota DPR. Konsep DPD awalnya menyerupai ‘upper house’ dalam sistim ‘bicameral’, namun akhirnya hanya memiliki kewenangan terbatas seputar otonomi daerah dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam. Council of Regional Representatives (Regional Legislature or senate) (DPD) Representative body established on the basis of the third amendment to the 1945 Constitution which is made up of provincial representatives chosen through a general election. Unlike the DPR, membership of the DPD is fixed at 4 representatives per province and the total number of members cannot be more than one third of the number of members of the DPR. The DPD was originally conceived to be similar to an upper house in a bicameral system but in the end it was only granted limited authority in relation to regional autonomy and the administration of natural resources.

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