Indonesian | English | ||
Istilah | Pengertian | Term | Description |
darurat militer | Di Indonesia, keadaan bahaya di mana pihak militer boleh mengambil kekuasan dari pemerintahan sipil selama waktu tertentu, umumnya terjadi bila roda kepemerintahan tidak berfungsi karena adanya perang saudara, pemberontakan atau adanya serangan dari pihak luar. Di Indonesian, pelaksana atau penguasanya dari pihak militer, dipimpin oleh komandan militer tertinggi dibantu oleh kepala daerah yang bersangkutan, pimpinan polisi dan kejaksaan. Lihat keadaan perang. | martial law (military emergency) | In Indonesia, a state of emergency under which the military may assume power from a civilian government for a certain time. This usually occurs when the civil government machinery has broken down because of civil war, insurrection or the invasion of a foreign power. In Indonesia, the military leadership, headed by the highest military commander, implement martial law, assisted by the regional head, in conjunction with the police and the prosecutor’s office. See also state of war. |
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