actio pauliana (civil law term only)

actio pauliana (civil law term only)

Indonesian English
Istilah Pengertian Term Description
actio pauliana (civil law term only) Upaya/dasar hukum untuk meminta pembatalan atas transaksi yang curang, merugikan kreditur. Preference action, dan transaksi yang dapat dibatalkan, yaitu transaksi harta debitur yang dilakukan sebelum pernyataan pailit dengan akibat menghalangi pelunasan hutang kreditur. claw-back action / preference action Cause of action to challenge fraudulent conveyances, preference actions, and voidable transactions, that is, transfers of assets by a bankrupt debtor made before the declaration of bankruptcy that have the effect of preventing, or are intended to prevent, creditors receiving the benefit of the assets.

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